Thursday, May 14, 2009

Everything Looks Better on Little Girls...

I don't have kids of my own, and on many occasions I thank my lucky stars. I leave my keys everywhere, and sometimes wonder if I might do the same with kids. But someday, hopefully when I am grown up, I will be blessed with one. For now, there are six little girls in my life who just happen to love shopping and fashion. There is no shortage of excitement when I visit with fun fashions from NY like big bell bottom pants, frilly cotton skirts, and of course, the Rainbow Bracelet from Objets d'Envy. So, ever since Lisa Kanouse came into my life with her fabulous Saurette collection, I have been planning out the next 3 years of fashion for these girls. When I tell you this collection is unique, I really really mean it. I don't just write about things for the heck of it. I write about things that I am obsessed with.

There is something about the way Lisa has captured the feel and look of a girly girly girl. Her billowy dresses with racer back cut, big floral prints which I get lost in and find myself wandering off into Candy Land.

For Fall, she is introducing fine sweaters with the cutest prints of butterflies and more flowers, but in a more understated way as to say, "Yeah, I'm a hot 5yr old, so what?"

If you are in New York the weekend of June 6th, Saurette will be selling her Spring/Summer collections at the Designer Soiree located at Chacala NY, 394 Broadway, Fourth Floor. We are in the beginning of the warmer months and now is the time to grab your girls some summer fashions! And don't forget to follow the collection on Twitter, @saurette

Oh, and Daily Candy Kids has my back on this.


Unknown said...

Wow! Nice stuff. I think B needs to check some of this stuff out!


Felicia Sullivan said...

This is the cutest collection, EVER.